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Les Faux Amis Anglais / Français

Photo du rédacteur: teafortroyesteafortroyes

The 10 ultimate false friends May 20, 2019

False friends – Are they good or bad? At this point, we’d accept any friend. All the same, you should watch out for these guys – they’re worse than Brutus, Judas and Benedict Arnold combined. The following terms sound similar in English and French, but have wildly different meanings. You have been warned.

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T.E.A. For Troyes - by Katie Bradley Bouché
Teaching English to all for Troyes* | *Enseigner l'anglais pour tous à Troyes
Katie Bradley Enseignement de l'anglais - "TEA For Troyes" est enregistré comme organisme de formation sous le N° 44100101310.
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